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I am having a problem with my childs school?

I have talked to teachers the school administrators and the school board all to no avil, what is my next step who else can I ...

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Haunted by a ouiji board help!!?

My friends and I used a Ouiji board for the first time last night. First we asked if there were any spirits here, it said YES. We asked ...

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Sometimes I get board when my gf is not around so I masterbate is that a good thing? Sometimes I jerk off when I feel lonely but I'm very curious about ...

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How to adapt a british accent???

i have changed my board from a indian board to a swiss board and now i am having problem in communicating with the other international ...

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Does the note location matter on the fret board if the natural notes are titled the same?

Do I just chose what's more beneficial for my hand's flexibility or ...

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