My friends and I used a Ouiji board for the first time last night. First we asked if there were any spirits here, it said YES. We asked for a name and it said GAVIN. We asked for an age and it said 23. Then I asked "When did you die?" and it went straight to GOODBYE. We freaked out and my friends started telling me that's the #1 question you can't ask a spirit, they saw it on tons of different websites. We ran home, and we used the board again so I could apologize. It kept saying NO and once it said F*CK U (sorry for language). I looked at tons of different websites if that was an offensive question to ask a spirit, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Before I fell asleep, I tried contacting 3 different friends on Facebook to ask them about it. It said they were all online, but none of them read it or responded. I went on BlahTherapy and tried talking to 2 different people about it, but right after I said it on BOTH chats, they disconnected immediately. At that point I was too tired and scared to try anything else, so I went to bed. This morning, I was watching Netflix and it started glitching and repeated the words "I won" over and over again. Then, the wifi shut off and I couldn't connect to anything. I restarted my laptop and it worked fine. Basically, I'm asking if that's an offensive question to ask, or if the spirit is just messing with me?