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Depreciation Tax?

If a person bought a rental property in 2016, rented it out, and then in 2019 to 2022 live in there, hence no rent out, then rented out in 2023 ...

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Ancient bronze vase?

i bought an ancient bronze jar, Shang period, i took a photo of it, look at it a year later, and it had this hidious, insidious face on it! i asked a ...

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I need new clothes for school. What would you suggest?

I am a 13-year old. I usually wear white sneakers, light blue jeans that my mom bought on sale and a yellow top. I ...

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What should I use my Harry potter Diary for? What should I write in it?

I went to the Harry Potter Studios yesterday and I bought a couple of things including a ...

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What does this problem mean? (It is for math)?

At the grocery store, you bought a pack of gum for seventy-nine cents, a chunk of cheese for a dollar and eighty-five ...

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Why does it seem like I am hungry all the time?

for an example I went and bought two sandwiches from McDonald. After eating I went to Wal-Mart to get food for an event. I ...

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Telesales CPE Chargebacks?

i bought a cellphone from craigslist, and i was called at&t check the IMEI number, everything is good, so i bought it. after 2 weeks i try ...

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