Certificate Questions

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Benefit of digital marketing...?

Hello guys i have done diploma in digital marketing and going to persue a Mba in marketing hw my digital marketing certificate is going ...

34 answers | | Open

My birth certificate says something that makes me wonder?

So my birth certificate says on the side that I am dead. It says on the side "Certifier/attender: death ...

9 answers | | Open

I feel so down in myself?

I feel so down in myself. I'm just about to sit my leaving certificate exams if this has anything to do with it. I have no real friends, ...

4 answers | | Open

What do I need to open a spa in Dubai?

I want to know what are the requirements such as licenses, certificates etc to start a spa in Dubai?

3 answers | | Open

Google - what is ment by the Date of acquiring qualification of degree? is it the date that you?

... appeared your last exam and passed it or else the date of issue of ...

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