Children Questions

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What are the key benefits of enrolling children in a preschool program?

What are the key benefits of enrolling children in a preschool program?

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Wendy Craig LP for children?

I am searching for an LP by Wendy Craig and have yet to find it. The LP was produced in the 70's and contained stories for children. ...

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Need help finding a unique name like our other children?

We are needing help naming our new baby on the way, Its a girl! =) We have three other kids and we want her name ...

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Is it harmful to mix a half of a 3mg melatonin and dimetapp cold and cough children to toddlers?

my childrens mom gives my 18 month old a half of a 3mg melatonin and a ...

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What Shall We Do When Our Daughter Refuses to Dress Up Wearing a Blouse and a Skirt?

Soon, our daughter turns 6 years old, and we have no other major problems with her ...

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Am I a lesbian?

I am lost. I have been married for over a decade and we have children. I am not into him though. I think about women to get off and I constantly catch ...

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