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In conversation, how do I tell someone my age after my last birthday?

Do I say what my age was at my last birthday or what my age will be on my coming (next) birthday?

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I had put 2 weeks into my job of 3 years by the last of when I was supposed to work. I had believed?

... I would be coming in on the last week but I was not scheduled at all and without notice. Is this normal? I haven’t been contacted by ...

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Whats best way to invest $30,000 stock,realestate,other ?

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Marks/symbols appearing on skin after astral projection?

This morning, i astral projected. After coming back to full body awareness, i had a hot shower. I dried myself ...

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Last Names for a Character in a Story?

I am a young writer and I like to have a list of names to choose from when I am starting a new story. I have trouble coming up with ...

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He likes I like him but I can't have a boyfriend?

I'm in 10th and can't go out with anybody. And i am going to the movies with this guy but my friends are gonna ...

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