Connection Questions

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How does the SSL/TLS handshake process contribute to the "Err_SSL_Version_or_Cipher Mismatch" error?

During the SSL/TLS handshake process, the web browser and the website server exchange information to establish a secure connection. They communicate ...

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How can I get closer to God?

I want to find a connection with God. I pray to Him every night saying that when I die, I want to go to Heaven. He doesn't answer, and ...

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How to fix Spotify as it keeps skipping songs?

I might have a connection problem using Spotify on my desktop. Whenever I start to play a song, it just skips through and ...

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What ways could a dragon speak instead of a mental connection or common tongue?

I am writing a fictional book with dragons in it. I don't really want the dragons to ...

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Should I tell my best friend I love him?

We have been best friends since we were 8 and now we are in our early 20's. We have always had a connection more then ...

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My wireless network is not being seen by my laptop ONLY, from my phone I can usebit, I heard someth?

My wireless network is not being seen by my laptop ONLY, from my ...

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