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Should I break up with my boyfriend?

Awhile he didn’t want to spend our one year anniversary together. About three days ago, his ex apologized to him the next day he accused me of ...

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What is the recovery time for laser cataract surgery?

Recovery time can vary, but many patients experience improved vision within a few days. Complete recovery may take several weeks. It's important ...

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How soon can I expect to notice improvements in my vision after laser cataract surgery?

Many patients experience improved vision shortly after laser cataract surgery, with continued enhancement over the following days and weeks. However, ...

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Should I tell my gf I cheated on her?

i have been with my girlfriend for a little over two years now. i gave her a promise ring, and i gave her my word to one day marry ...

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What are some excuses to not go swimming?

Whts up, I'm in 6th grade and my mom is really over protective and my class is going to a 3 day field trip and they have ...

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A man locked his personal computer with a password?

A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box. One day his wife tries to ...

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How many dog days in a human day?

Since there are 7 dog years in 1 of ours there has to be more than one day in a human day right? I tried figuring it out and failed ...

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