Death Questions

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I'm baptist and I bought a virgin Mary symbol to wear on my neck also of Jesus death on the cross i?

I also have a Jesus on the cross on the same necklace is it wrong to wear these?

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What are the types of death?

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Why did God allow, Jesus to be put to death?

After Adam and Eve sin He allow His son to be put to death, why not another person or being to do it?

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Survey Questions on the Death Penalty?

How do you feel about the Death Penalty? a.) Strongly in favor b.) Somewhat in favor c.) Somewhat opposed d.) Strongly opposed ...

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A religion with reincarnation?

hey u know any religion which has reincarnation as one of its important bases? specially any religion who teaches how to behave ...

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Ok so I am scared of dying, not like I think i'm just gonna die any second, and I'm only in high school but every time I think about just dying of old ...

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My birth certificate says something that makes me wonder?

So my birth certificate says on the side that I am dead. It says on the side "Certifier/attender: death ...

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