Dentist Questions

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What is the average cost of a dental implant in Chennai?

The average cost of a dental implant in Chennai ranges from ₹20,000 to ₹45,000 per implant. This price can vary based on factors like the den ...

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Do I Need To Visit A Dentist?

My tooth has been experiencing pain and it's receiving pain directly. It comes and goes. I think there may be a worse problem, but I am ...

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I have a dental visit coming up, and I'm terrified?

It's not so much actually being in the dentist's chair per se, but it's the fact that I'll have to ...

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Will my tooth come out or do I need a root canal?

My top tooth i have had two filling in the same tooth.Recently the last filing the dentist told my mom and me I may ...

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What is the best Christmas gift for a dentist?

Hi there, I have a friend who is a dentist in London. What is the best Christmas gift for a dentist? Thank you

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Is it common for a dentist to break a file off in the tooth during a root canal?

If it is common for a file to be broken off in the tooth is it common for a dentist to ...

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