Depression Questions

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What are the most effective treatment options for depression available in Fort Lee?

In Fort Lee, effective depression treatment options include psychotherapy (such as CBT, IPT, and psychodynamic therapy), medication (like SSRIs and ...

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What do you think of a pastor who says you should never befriend someone with depression and that?

... people with depression are not prayerful?

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How do I take care of a woman after her abortion?

Abortion is very sensitive which affects woman mentally and emotionally, Patients may experience a wide range of emotions (anxiety, depression, ...

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Am I insane?

I'm a teen girl, I think I have depression and I know I have anxiety. I feel numb and sad for no reason all the time. sometimes I'm thenhappiest ...

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There is no real answer but what is the meaning of life??????

Ive had depression for around four years now and i dont know what to do anymore but i dont want to kill ...

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I'm 14 and I think I may be depressed?

Ok now I'm not being big headed but I am quite smart and I did my research on depression and I know you might say its hormones ...

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I'm a jr in hs and I'm struggling with depression. I get bullied everyday in school cuz I'm stupid.?

... I do have friends but I don't want them to know I'm in ...

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What to call my story?

I'm writing a short story about how someone's monster--depression--is overtaking them, continuing until the person finally decides to ...

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