Heart Questions

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The Key Features of Movies Hub 24?

The Key Features of Movies Hub 24 At the heart of Movies Hub 24 lies its vast collection of free movies to watch, spanning a wide range of genres and ...

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How does Taurine support cat's health?

Taurine Supplement Powder for Cats may support heart, vision, reproduction, digestion & immune system in cats.Taurine Supplement Powder for Cats ...

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What is a list of song topics of songs to write?

Okay so i am s song writer. I know when people write songs it has to come from heart. Well i just need some ideas. I ...

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Why is fast food considered not healthy ?

except the fact that it is bad for health and it causes health problems such as heart disease , obesity.

19 answers | | Open

Worst week ever! :'( ?

So last night I found out my Grandpa was just rushed to the hospital for a heart attack and they say it doesn't look good, but an hour before ...

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If your heart is NOT strong enough or efficient enough, it is difficult to?

A) stretch B) lift weights C) breathe D) perspire

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Should I believe in love tests?

I tryed one and told me to get a new lover but should I just follow my heart

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