Hospitals Questions

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Which is the best eye hospital in Kolkata for cataract surgery?

When it comes to cataract surgery, choosing the best eye hospital in Kolkata is crucial to ensure successful treatment and optimal recovery. Kolkata ...

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Worst week ever! :'( ?

So last night I found out my Grandpa was just rushed to the hospital for a heart attack and they say it doesn't look good, but an hour before ...

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My best friend has cancer?

My best friend in the entire world was diagnosed with leukimia in december. She's going to be in hospital until October. Now, at school i ...

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Does my Doctor co worker have a crush on me ??

I work in a hospital in nursing. I am 28 and attractive. This Doctor who is a co-worker of mine has been acting differently ...

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Can I lighten a set of clothes using bleach in the washing machine? What ratio?

I have a set of dark grey/pewter medical scrubs I need to lighten up a few shades in order ...

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I don't know what to draw .__.?

My boyfriend is in a mental hospital because he had a mental breakdown and his parents want me to draw him a picture because they think it ...

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