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Hot Air Balloon Trip Dubai | Mansistartours?

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure that will take you soaring through the skies of Dubai? Look no further than the Hot Air Balloon ...

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Is a hot wall a fire hazard?

My wall above a pipe that is part of my buildings boiler system is so hot I cant touch it for longer than 3 seconds. Is this a fire hazard?

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I like a really cute guy, but I'm not allowed to date. What do I do?

Okay so there is this really hot guy in my class. I like him and I know he likes me to because he ...

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How to get a girl to like you in 5th grade?

Im a boy in 5th grade and I like this girl and we already dated 2 times but she broke up with me like the next day. She is so ...

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I am a boy and I like this boy but feel like I don't want to be gay because people will be mean.:(?

So their is this boy in my class that is really handsome and so hot he ...

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Marks/symbols appearing on skin after astral projection?

This morning, i astral projected. After coming back to full body awareness, i had a hot shower. I dried myself ...

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Why does he treat me like a prostuitue? Should I take it offensively?

My sex life is great, my semi longdistance relationship with my two year boyfriend is always hot and ...

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