House Questions

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What types of house cleaning services do you offer?

We offer a comprehensive range of house cleaning services to meet various needs: 1.Regular Cleaning, 2.Deep Cleaning, 3.Window Cleaning, 4.Green ...

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I hit my boyfriend first, then he hit me back a lot harder, worse, and more, should I forgive?

My boyfriend and I have had our ups and downs. I have a small temper, but ...

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I work as house cleaner,why(some)women treat me badly?

i dont have problems with men but some women who rent me to clean her house treat me badly,sometimes it was ...

37 answers | | Open

Can bed bugs lay eggs inside your skin or in your ears?

I just paid $3,200 to treat a small infestation in my house for bed bugs. I got a lot of bites but I'm ...

10 answers | | Open

Is it OK to adopt a puppy at 6 weeks old?

It is a chocolate lab. We have another grown dog at the house who is totally calm and loves other dogs.

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Should I take the chance?

I want to kiss this boy I like. We've been to each others houses.we r both in 6th grade. Idk If i should because he might tell his parents ...

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