Knee Questions

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Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes nursery rhymes?

Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes nursery rhymes @KidsiesTV #viral #kidsvideo #kids #song #youtube #headshoulderkneesandtoes #viralvideo ...

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Is plasma treatment good for knees?

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Should I take joint pain medication to prevent getting joint pain?

Hi, I am a 15 year old guy. I had one left knee that would often feel painful and would occasionally ...

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Should I wear short black shorts under my school dress?

At my school, I have to wear a dress that is not too short, but not too long either (its a bit higher than the ...

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Is 11.25mg of hydrocodone and 1mg of Xanax safe to take at once?

My GP has me prescribed to Xanax 1mg but I recently had a surgery on my knee and now I m supposed to take ...

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I sprained my knee?

I sprang my knee 2 days a go do i use crunches for my sprang knee

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Painful kneecap 4 months after bad fall! Please help!?

4 months ago I was snowboarding at a high speed when my board hit a submerged fallen tree. All my weight and speed ...

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