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My bf lost a bet, what girly items should I dress him in?

He always thinks that boys are better than girls in everything. Macho idiot that he is lost to me in pool. I won and decided if he wants to always ...

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If you lose your permanent teeth, do they grow back?

I lost all my teeth in a terrible car accident. The car got rear-ended and my teeth smashed on the dashboard and ...

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Shall I make my wifes elder sister pregnant ?

My sister in Law (my wifes elder sister), lost her husband earlier by an accident, after few months her 3 year kid very ...

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Safe sex?well what is safe sex,I lost my virginity and now I am parnoid,what if I get pregnant?

Well me and my boyfriend decided it was time. We've been with each ...

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My dwarf hamster was killed by the other hamster?

Ok I'm really lost i don't know what happened to my sisters dwarf hamster. A few weeks ago my sister got 2 ...

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Period early and then late, help please?

Okay, so on July 30th I lost my virginity and yes, we used a condom and no, it did not break. I have not had sex since then ...

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