Medical Questions

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Is it possible to get a sort of cast on my hand to prevent me from picking my skin on my hand?

So I’ve had this habit since I was very little. I have this medical condition called dermatillomania or excoriation disorder, and I’ve ...

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Why are shoes and socks removed when people faint?

I've had my shoes taken off, usually when I've fainted before. Actually, every time I've fainted, my ...

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Why cant I bend my toes?

I'm 20 years old, healthy and athletic. I have never had any injuries to my feet or toes and for some reason I have never been able to bend ...

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My boyfriend's older sister had a medical treatment on my b-day. Not happy with her. What to do?

She has these treatments once a month on a certain day of the week. She ...

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Can I lighten a set of clothes using bleach in the washing machine? What ratio?

I have a set of dark grey/pewter medical scrubs I need to lighten up a few shades in order ...

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How to not be mentally fatigued?

I am 18 years old. I have been taking meds for about four years now. I started off with vyvance and stayed on it for about 3 years. It ...

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