Milk Questions

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What is the difference between loose milk and packaged milk?

Loose Milk Vs Packaged Milk , know the difference : Milk is an essential part of our daily diet. Dairy when consumed in an adequate amount helps in ...

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Churning new growth and opportunities in the dairy sector | Shreedhi Milk's Health Leader shines at?

1- Preserving the top position in Indore's Dairy Industry, Nitin Ji Jain has been instrumental in the success of Shreedhi Milk's ...

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Which is the best milk in indore?

The most emerging brand is Shreedhi Milk, the reason it is the best milk in Indore can be explained in points 1. Amazing Technology - Shreedhi Milk ...

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Milk,tea and lemon are good for skin?

is it milk,tea and lemon are good for the whitening skin?

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I just had a spicy green jalapeño and I drank lots of milk but it’s still hurting my mouth?

I just took a big (-ish) slice of a jalapeño and I had lots of milk ...

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I missed my period last month. Imy pregancy test is negative . but my breast is leaking breast milk?

I missed my period last month but I took a pregancy test and it ...

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Why isn't "soy milk" called "soy juice"?

same thing with "almond milk" and "coconut milk". i thought only mammals make milk.

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