Partners Questions

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What is the process of changing an LLP agreement?

The step by step process to change LLP agreement is as follows : Step 1: The partners must meet to pass a resolution for the required changes in the ...

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I'm tired of chasing him...but I love him?

Hey Guys! I've been with my bf for abour 3 months now, we met at college (we were lab partners), fell in love, ...

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I am 16 and wanna start own business?

i am 16 and a girl living in india . i wanna start my own business i hav lots of ideas nd good amount of money to invest also ...

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Why would people use the internet to find love?

Why would some who is vibrant, sociable, active and confident turn to the internet to find a partner? I do not mean love ...

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Is it OK to have never had an ex?

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 6 years now. He is the only partner I have ever had. I'm extremely happy ...

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