Police Questions

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How to find police dna results?

If a cop takes a dna sample and never comes back how do I find those results

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Become a certified speed measurement technician in Florida to certify police and speed measurement?

We had a mobile speed testing business here in FL. They would certify our vehicles and speed measurement devices on site so we were in compliance ...

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I need a name for a drama about a single mother (police officer). Title involves cherry blossoms?

This drama is around six or so years old, but I haven't seen it in so long I can't remember what it's called.

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Can my real estate agent do this?

Recently my mailbox was broken into. I advised the real estate agent and filed a police report for insurance purposes. I threw the key ...

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Can my 9 yr old son get arrested?

he and a friend playing ball some windows got broke both blame each other the police say if i dont pay they will arrest my son is this ...

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I am a 14 year old male. I do not know what to do. I was raped by my father. I beg you to help me!?

I do not want to inform the police. I just want it to stop... I ...

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What type of atty do I contact to bring suit against media for releasing harmful info?

In an on going police investigation of a sexual predator, the media released ...

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