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Should I tell my gf I cheated on her?

i have been with my girlfriend for a little over two years now. i gave her a promise ring, and i gave her my word to one day marry ...

17 answers | | Open

Boogers stuck to L shaped nose ring, help??!!?

A bit detailed & gross but I have some small booger crust (kinda gooey) wrapped around the bent part of my L shaped ...

2 answers | | Open

Can you use the red lantern ring for custom characters in lego batman 3?

I am playing Lego batman 3 and want to create a custom character, when all of a sudden I notice ...

1 answers | 1 star | Open

Where is the best place to buy wedding rings online?

There are so many jewelry stores online with various wedding rings for sale, and it's really hard to choose ...

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