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In search of a free short link service that doesn't bombard users with ads. Any suggestions?

As a website owner, I'm looking for a free short link service that enhances user experience by minimizing or completely avoiding advertisements. ...

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Can anyone suggest a trustworthy short link service with no ads?

As a user seeking recommendations for a trustworthy short link service without ads, my primary concern is ensuring the integrity and professionalism ...

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What is a good name for a fake school?

I am writing a short story for class, and I need a name for a school. I want it to be a really fancy and expensive sounding school, ...

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What do you say when someone calls you short?

Like say if some random guy said, "Hey, dude, you're pretty short to play basketball, go play with someone your ...

10 answers | | Open

What to call my story?

I'm writing a short story about how someone's monster--depression--is overtaking them, continuing until the person finally decides to ...

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Why am I so ugly ?

Like .. im fat , sooo short , my teeth are crooked .. nobody ever likes me , yes some people call me cute, liike one ir two . I cant take it anymore, ...

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Religion - I can prove that christianism is not true. Believe me?

I am a Jehovah's whitness and other people's religion don't make any sense. Please ...

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