Sleeping Questions

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How many sleeping tablets are effective in insomnia?

I used Zopiclone 7.5mg for 2 weeks when I had issues staying asleep for long hours. As I started taking it, I observed better results in my sleeping ...

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What are four ways to reverse a sleeping pill?

just various ways to reverse a sleeping pill?

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Is it rare to read text/words in your dreams?

Many people out there say that you can't read words in your dreams, because your brain isn't fully functioning when you are sleeping. ...

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What are the causes of claustrophobia attacks when sleeping?

I have been waking up with panic attacks and a strong claustrophobic feeling for a few months now - on random ...

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Will I die if I don't sleep?:'(?

I haven't been sleeping good and I'm very scared and worried I just hope I don't end up dying from this I'm only 18 I ...

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My dogs sick.. HELP?

My dog is about a 1 1/2 years old. For about the 5 days she has had A dry hot nose, has runny poo, & sleeping alot. She hasnt been eating her ...

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How do I get my brain to shut up?

I have a hard time sleeping because I am always thinking. Like conversations and movies I've seen running through my head. I feel ...

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How must I package a sleeping bag to send to a post office?

I'm not sure whether to box it or send it as is, wrapped in packaging tape. The latter doesn't make ...

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