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Are self storage units safe?

I am planning to leave for 5 months to visit my parents. During the time I am planning to leave my belongings at some self storage unit. What ...

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Which material is best for overhead water storage tank?

I wish to know about overhead water storage tank. According to you, which material is best for overhead water ...

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Do I really need to have a heater in my kitchen?

I am thinking of removing my storage heater from my kitchen. Do I really need a heater in my kitchen? is it sensible ...

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How to reduce mail storage on IPhone?

I have an IPhone 6 and for some reason my mail (which I never use) is now using 1.2 GB of my phones storage? How do I get rid of ...

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Should I get MacBook Air or MacBook Pro?

MacBook Air Intel Core i7 5th Gen. Processor 2.2 GHz 8 GB RAM - 128 GB flash storage MacBook Pro 2.3ghz i5 7th gen 8gb ram ...

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