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My husband hit me for the first time in an 19 year marriage. I don't know what to do?

How do I forgive my husband for hitting me after 19 years of a loving and passionate ...

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Should I tell my crush How I feel before I move?

I'm moving thousands of miles away from my crush. I have liked him for 5 years now and he knew I liked him a long ...

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Why do people still bother with science when religion is obviously right ?

Why do you not believe in God ? How can you even dream of getting away with that kind of ...

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Can I get pregnant if a guy cums outside of me?

I had unprotected sex a couple times and each time he came outside of me. I know precum does not contain sperm but it can ...

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What are the best place to travel in India?

Me and my family is planning to visit in India this time so please suggest the best travel and adventurous destination of India

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