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What is Disciplined Agile ® Coach (DAC) ?

For organizations wanting agile transformations to thrive in today’s disruptive economy, the Disciplined Agile Coach (DAC) leads by helping ...

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When is it appropriate to push someone away from you if you are feeling threatened?

My brother got up in my face earlier today because I refused to get him some more toilet paper and I pushed him away from me in self defense because ...

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Importance of Leadership Development for Canadian Organizations?

Discover the importance of leadership development in today's competitive business landscape for Canadian organizations. Learn how investing in ...

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How long do you have to wait to write someone while your in navy boot camp?

My boyfriend left for the navy September 5th he told me he wasn't sure when or even if he ...

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Vagina smells like smoked brisket?

I've gotten a new smoker and have been cooking like crazy on it. Today I ate smoked chicken thighs and yesterday ate smoked ...

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I'm 14 , he's 19 is this okay ?

so i made a new friend at school his name's cody , the other day i asked his age and he said he was 19 witch surpized me. so today i ...

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My friend was treating me like she was in charge?

Today we were at BBQ's because we graduated fifth grade and the whole time she was telling me what to do. I was ...

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How do I protect myself from my period when I sleep?

I just got my first period today. I am nervous to tell my mom. Now it is bedtime and I don't know how to ...

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