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Needing unique cleaning company names/ideas?

I'm starting a small cleaning business and I'm having trouble figuring out creative catchy names. Something not ...

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Unique character names for a story?

I am a young writer and I like to have a list of names to choose from from when I am starting a new story. I like names that are ...

24 answers | | Open

Need help finding a unique name like our other children?

We are needing help naming our new baby on the way, Its a girl! =) We have three other kids and we want her name ...

26 answers | | Open

Last Names for a Character in a Story?

I am a young writer and I like to have a list of names to choose from when I am starting a new story. I have trouble coming up with ...

7 answers | | Open

What makes r&b (rhythm and blues) unique?

like how is it different from all the other music what does it have that the rest don't?

1 answers | | Open

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