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Mature women, what good, friendly and positive interactions did you have with preppy valley girls?

Mature women (in their 50s or so), can you describe in detail what good, friendly and positive (and more recent, as in, you were already in your 50s ...

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Are there any moms who wanted her daughter to talk like a valley girl?

As for perspectives, it can be either from the mom, the daughter or anyone who knows if such a scenario happened. I know this may sound silly, but ...

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What does valley of the shadows mean?

i read about edgar allen poe and came across this poem that is eldorado so yea and also some other i post almost everyday day now ...

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Why would the Great Pyramid be used as a tomb when they had the Valley of the Kings?

It just doesnt make any sense. The Egyptions have the Valley of the Kings where many ...

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