It just doesnt make any sense. The Egyptions have the Valley of the Kings where many prominent pharoahs were buried, such as Tutankhamen and Ramses II and there are many more undescovered and unexplored tombs and chambers which harbor many more secrets, whereas the Great Pyramid never even contained a mummy when it was discovered and excavated. Also, there arent any heiroglyphs on any of the inner walls or in the chambers, none even commemorating the pharoah for whom the pyramid was allegedly built. There are passageways, too small for a person to even fit through which leadall the way out of the pyramid in the Kings Chamber as well as the Queens Chamber and the entire structure is perfectly aligned to the cardinal directions to within a fraction of a degree. Also, why are the outer blocks cut out of limestone and the inner blocks granite was there some purpose? Couldnt this pyramid, which stands out clearly among all the other pyramids like a sore thumb, couldnt it be possible that this pyramid might have served some other, unknown purpose? I apologize for my calling into question what iv been told about the Great Pyramid, i understand there are many hard working and highly trained experts who have been enlightening all as more information come to light for years now and i thank them for their hard work and their dedication, but it just doesnt make sense to me. Again i apologize for my asking such a contraversial question and my skepticism and i thank you for allowing me to ask such a question.