Wanted Questions

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Are there any moms who wanted her daughter to talk like a valley girl?

As for perspectives, it can be either from the mom, the daughter or anyone who knows if such a scenario happened. I know this may sound silly, but ...

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Who it be stalked by famous person?

I just wanted know it be like if I was stalked by celebrity ?

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What do I do when someone does not talk to me about a situation? - I need help IMMEDIATELY?

recently i found out that my teacher have wanted me to go back in person.they didn't talk to me first.the reason of this request and the ...

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What is a good place to go on vacation and have fun?

Some friends and i just graduated high school and are wanting a "one last time" trip and wanted to go ...

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Was I raped? I feel like its my fault but people say it wasn't. About 2 weeks ago I was at my good?

... guy friends house and we got super high and I was like half ...

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Math videos?

I just found math videos www.youtube.com/user/GuruBix I wanted to share with you guys. It is free. It is going to help many more number of students.

9 answers | | Open

How come when I wash dishes, my legs/ankles start to itch? No redness or paint, just itching?

It never really happens to me other than washing dishes, i'm not ...

1 answers | 1 star | Open

Is it weird for me to go to the movies alone?

Everybody, including my friends are all busy this weekend and I wanted to see a movie. Since everyone is busy, I have no one ...

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