Working Questions

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What are the potential benefits and challenges of working abroad for a year through a structured pr?

Embarking on a structured work program abroad presents both opportunities and hurdles. On the positive side, it offers a distinctive pathway for ...

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Am I developing an eating disorder? is what Im doing bad for me?

I'm 14 & all my life ive been fat. Ive been insecure all my life & I hate myself. Ive been ...

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Teen looking to start own business from home?

Hi I am 16 and I really want to start my own business. I hate working for other people and it is definitely something that I ...

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Why isn't Yahoo Answers working?

Okay, so before I got on here, I had a Yahoo Answers account, but when I tried to ask a question, it kept saying Yahoo Answers is having ...

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Is there any point in working out when you haven't eaten?

I haven't eaten almost all day and I don't intend to but I would like to know if there is any point In ...

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