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What are some common myths about pregnancy that you wish more people knew the truth about?

Pregnancy often comes with a plethora of myths that can lead to unnecessary worry or misunderstanding. One prevalent misconception is the belief that ...

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What maintenance is required for the automatic gates?

Explore worry-free convenience with our automatic gates in Kent, backed by minimal maintenance requirements. Ensure the longevity of your investment ...

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Okay, my boyfriend and I had sex. No condom. Im on birth control?

Chances of me getting pregnant? Don't worry, I'm 17. Not a ridiculous 11 year old. People ...

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Can anyone please help me with this I am begging to worry a lot ?

This problem has beeen occuring for over 3 months now and I am begging to worry I have been experiencing ...

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How do I get him to ask me to the dance?

I know I don't really have to worry about this until next year. But there's a boy in my 4th grade class who I really ...

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- is the world going to end ? , my opinion (:?

i really get tired of people saying oh my god the world is coming to an end . If your life is right you have not much too ...

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Worried about getting my cats declawed?

I have two cats and they both have had their front claws taken out a few years ago and they're fine. But now my parents are ...

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