Writing Questions

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When can I escape Australia?

I am writing this to acknowledge that there have been a few attempts of people who are interested and running with scissors to make sure that I am ...

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Hello, Is there any website or person can help me to translate cursive writing letter?

I have an old document, with cursive writing letter, I need some website or person can help me to translate some words for me.

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How long does your school have in between class periods?

I am writing a pursuasive essay on making time in between classes longer and I need information about how long ...

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What is a good name for a fake school?

I am writing a short story for class, and I need a name for a school. I want it to be a really fancy and expensive sounding school, ...

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I'm writing a romance novel. I need a first name for a girl with the last name Hershey. Any help?

The character's description: She has blonde hair (somewhat long) ...

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What are some cool boy names starting with A?

I'm writing a story and I need some boy names please starting with A. Also, if you could please provide other names ...

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Stylish female name?

I'm writing a story for school, but I really need a cool name for a girl. Like, really out of the ordinary, but still pretty, you know? I need a ...

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