Yesterday Questions

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So my dad passed away and the funeral was yesterday. When I noticed he didn't have on the shirt that

... I had provided for him. I get a call from the funeral director today and he asked me if I was certain it wasn't the right shirt. I told him ...

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What do I do if my door dasher gave out my personal information?

Yesterday I used door dash at work. I work at a public building so normally when the dasher gets there they just bring the food in and leave it with ...

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What is wrong with me?

I feel like I need to throw up but I can’t. This feeling started yesterday and it’s day 2. Could it possibly be symptoms of the recent ...

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I accidently flushed a wash cloth down the toilet yesterday, but the toilets flushing fine?

I accidently dropped it down the toilet when emptying a bucket of dirty water ...

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My little brother keeps throwing up. What can I do to stop it?

Okay so yesterday my little brother was throwing up a lot and I couldn't do anything about it. He was ...

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Vagina smells like smoked brisket?

I've gotten a new smoker and have been cooking like crazy on it. Today I ate smoked chicken thighs and yesterday ate smoked ...

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I went tubing and now I ache... Why?

I went tubing with some friends yesterday and I woke up this morning and now my legs, tummy, neck and arms ache. When I cough it ...

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How do I tell my boyfriend that I don't want to have sex?

Ok, im 17 almost 18 & me & my boyfriend have been dating for a year & a half & we haven't ...

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