What are some modern influential assault rifles that have been made in the 21st century?

Responses (1)

All rifles are assault rifles. All weapons are assault weapons. Everything made recently is modern. What exactly are you talking about?

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i mean like military styled rifles. The M4, Remington ACR, FN SCAR, etc. What rifles in that sort of style are influential in the overall development and evolution of what people call assault rifles? I only use the term because it's what I'm familiar with. I know a lot of people don't like it for various reasons, but I guess it's one of those terms that everyone uses even though they don't like using it. Kinda like grunge or screamo.

I don't like the term because it is an artificial attempt to make rifles seem more evil than they really are. It implies that we should ban all those evil assault rifles, but it's ok to keep their nicer cousins. When the country gets to that point, then suddenly they realize that all rifles are assault rifles, so they ban all the others too, which is what they wanted all along.