-8 or more GB memory [4 just isn't enough]
-long battery life, preferably more than 24 hours
-Price doesn't really matter, but under $100 ideal, since I don't want fancy features that would drive up the price
-Remembers its place when you turn it off, no messing with bookmarks
-Either restarts exactly where it was or a few seconds before after a pause or turned off
-Buttons can be locked so pressing them won't do anything until it is unlocked
-Can easily rewind or fast forward without freezing or glitching, preferably accelerating for if I have to go near the end of an hour long track
-I will not use it for music, does not need to be able to switch between music and books
-I don't like touch screen, it is too easy to brush a button [or apparently can be hard to make button pressings register if set too far the other way]. Will deal with it if necessary
-Can play multiple tracks in order [20 track, 1 hour per track, book from beginning to end]
-Can be bought NOW, not refurbished, NEW. If I'm dealing with something discontinued I'll just buy a Creative Zen Mozaic.