About two weeks ago, my contact lens began to make my eye burn and itch. It swelled up a little, and it remained teary throughout the evening even after I'd removed them. I was at school and these were new lenses (I change pairs every month) and I'd forgotten my solution, so I didn't take it out. I assumed that since I only less than half the day left, I could make it. I took them out as soon as I got my hands on the solution, and didn't wear them for the next week-and-a-half. When I put them in again, I had to take them out because they burned and itched a great deal. I waited another week, and tried them again today. I had to take them out again, this time in the morning, because of the burning and itching, and this time I couldn't see very well through them.
I didn't have much trouble with them before that time, and I was wondering if that caused it. Should I toss that pair and wear the next pair? Should I visit an eye doctor? Contacts cost a lot of money, and I don't want to waste any cash, but the pain is too much to continue with this pair, and I'm unwilling to go through it, as I know that it can cause serious issues.

Any suggestions?