What is the best cut for diamond engagement rings? Why?

Answers (2)

Popularity comes and goes. A jeweler can tell you what is popular right now. Diamonds are so plentiful that it is hard to justify paying the prices asked. A ruby is worth a lot more than a diamond of equal quality. You can buy loose stones from deepakgems.com/ and have them set by a custom jeweler to get a memorable ring for much less than ready made rings. I bought a 30 carat blue topaz from that site and had it set in 18K gold for only $800. That is a man's size ring, which is a lot bigger than a woman's size. If you do that, I suggest you find a picture of a ring you like, or several pictures, so you have something to point at when you discuss the setting.

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The best cut for diamond engagement rings is often considered to be the round brilliant cut. This is because the round brilliant cut is designed to maximize the diamond's brilliance, fire, and sparkle, making it the most brilliant of all diamond cuts. The round shape also tends to be timeless and versatile, complementing a wide range of ring styles and finger shapes. Additionally, round diamonds are typically more forgiving of minor imperfections, making them a popular choice for engagement rings where clarity is important. Overall, the round brilliant cut offers exceptional beauty and versatility, making it a top choice for diamond engagement rings.

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