Can palm reading help in understanding relationship dynamics and compatibility?

Answers (1)

Some people look to the heavens for signs and omens about the future, this would be referred to as the art or practice of divination. Reading the lines of the hand to determine one’s character and destiny is another popular form of divination​—
People often dabble in palm reading as a source of amusement, but many take such matters seriously and guide their lives by it.

These are ones who think more of the creation, then the creator. Like giving more praise to the house, then to the architect and builder.

In the Bible at Romans 1:20 it reads, "For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made."
Although God made the (hand) as well as the rest of the body, can we depend on any one part of it to help us know or understand a relationship dynamics and compatibility with a person unless we get to know them and how they really feel from within.
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