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What is the fortune telling?

fortune-telling occurs through various methods such as psychic readings and tarot cards. Similarly these methods are largely based on random ...

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I found that my boyfriend has sent a naked picture of himself to another guy, please help?

I went through his phone and seen he had been reading forums on sexuality and ...

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Cooperative Yard Sales is NOT A SCAM!!!?

I’ve been reading all kinds of “reports” on the internet about Cooperative Yard Sales being a scam and it makes ...

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Question - how does one clean music discs?

when I put music discs in my Bose system, it reads reading disc then it says disc error. Do the discs need cleaning or does ...

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The Hunger Games - Should I watch the movies before reading the books?

I saw The Hunger Games movie, and I decided that I'll read the books. I'm about to begin ...

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