I'm currently in a long-distance relationship with a female that I've known for three years, I love her dearly and so far, we've had a blast in the relationship. We are both gamers, so obviously our relationship will revolve around games.

In the start of our relationship, both of us had focus on each other. We would talk together all day most days, and we would try out new games together. Everything from free multiplayer steam games, to Starcraft 2 and Osu. That period was the most wonderful time, and I felt really happy because she prioritized me, thus, I felt important.

Recently though, the last three weeks or so, it feels like she has been ignoring me and she is prioritizing games and other people over me. The thing is, I have nothing against her playing games alone or with other people, but when she doesn't even talk to me anymore, it's starting to get a little overboard. I would usually get a goodnight message and a message in the middle of the day saying she loves me, and that's nice, because I feel like I'm still important. But lately none of that happens.

When I've tried to start conversations, she would quickly put me aside with something like ''Busy, playing with people'' with a sneaky heart at the end as if that would make it better.

It hurts. And all I do throughout the day is thinking about this, I don't want to sit here alone with nothing to do when all I want to do is to talk to her because I miss her. But I also think it's wrong to, uh, force her to talk to me, because then she won't be happy. It feels as if I'm not important.

And please, I won't accept a childish answer like ''Leave her, find someone local'', it's not gonna happen. As I said, I know that she loves me, and I have very strong feelings for her too, I simply want to know what kind of solutions to this conundrum exists and how we can restore the ''balance''.
Again, it hurts, I'm sad, I'm frustrated, and I don't know what to do.