Love Questions

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My boyfriend tells me he loves me but I still feel nervous. How can I feel better?

We are dating 1 year now and he loved me a lot when we start dating, he stays up for me, and express his feeling about his love a lot. Now, he does ...

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Understand that I have not married you and there is such a situation that I have to marry someone?

... else and I have to file an FIR against the person who married me after seeing your love and you passed me as a man to accept me

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I love my cousin but I'm afraid to tell her !!?

hey guys .. i'm 17 years old and i love my cousin .. she's 17 too .. i love her so much and i'm sad that ...

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I told a girl I loved her and now she wont talk to me what should I do?

I'm the school holidays I told this girl who I was really good friends with I loved her over ...

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Baby names for 2 girls?

I'm 16 and expecting TWINS-GIRLS! I am looking for many different names and thought I should start here. Thanks! -Gaia Elaine

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Do you believe in love?

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