... any properties that were bigger and more private and she informed me she had a few and took me to see them.

One of them was perfect and we agreed I would move there in jan when the current tenant left.

In jan she practically vanished for 2 weeks. Uncontactable. When I got through she mumbled excuses about extending the girls tenancy and would I wait to may.

I wanted the apartment so I agreed. But she would not give me a date.

Then it was 'middle of may'
Then 'definitely the end of may'

At the moment I have begged her for a date because I need to book off work and hire a moving van to move. Three times now she's promised to call me back with a moving date and hasnt.

I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do. My own tenancy is up by the way.

Does she not have to give me a date in advance !

Looking elsewhere is proving very difficult because I have a dog and nearly all other landlords I've contacted have said no pets.

Any advice would be seriously appreciated

Thank you