Okay, I'm sixteen and finally know that I just need to lose weight.
I'm not chubby, overweight, or anything. I'm 5'4 and weigh 57 kilos, which may be slightly over average, but isn't by any means unhealthy or anything, I am perfectly aware of this.

I've always fought with this idea, with the world around me wanting me to simply be happy with my body. And maybe I should be. But I never have. So I really want to put effort into slimming down. People may tell me- You don't need it! Your right, I don't. But I want to do it for me. So maybe I can feel stronger, better, a little happier.

I've given brief efforts before. I'm actually a very competitive tennis player, and even with the fitness we do can seem to slim down. I'm very thick, I guess. I can't seem to lose anything. It infuriates me.

Yes, their is nothing wrong with being thick. Look at Serena Williams. But I'm tired of this constant tug of war thats the reality of our society right now. I want to lose weight, and I won't be ashamed that I don't want to love my body the way is, and want to make improvements. That doesn't mean I don't love who I am, I just want to improve. I'm hard of this comes out wrong.

I'm aware this is a controversial topic and everything, so feel free to discuss it. But overall I really just need how to lose weight for something whose always been quite thick and puts on weight very easily.
