I'm a 20 year old female and I live at home with my parents. I grew up in a Christian family and don't regret that I have. However because of my parents strong beliefs I can't date a guy unless he believes in God as well. It's hard to find a Christian man in my small hometown cause there aren't a lot of them here. Most of the guys I've talked to in the past wanted who ti date me weren't Christian or didn't believe in God. I have talked to guys who did believe but they were no different from those who didn't believe. Even if I ended up with a Christian guy my parents still wouldn't let me date because they want me to focus on school. To be honest I hate school and all I wanna do is work. I do want to be a dog trainer but college doesn't offer any classes for that career. I don't know what to do, I have emotional needs that aren't being fulfilled and it hurts. I've never been in a relationship before so I have no experience. What should I do?