Dating Questions

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My boyfriend tells me he loves me but I still feel nervous. How can I feel better?

We are dating 1 year now and he loved me a lot when we start dating, he stays up for me, and express his feeling about his love a lot. Now, he does ...

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Is this ok?

is it ok for me to be in love with a boy and a girl at the same time? i've been dating this girl who is 1 year younger then me but is a ...

1 answers | 1 star | Open

‘Dating’ a separated woman?

I’ve been dating a woman who is separated and awaiting divorce. My question is, should I have an opinion about her ‘ex’ that feels ...

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What do I do when my relationship is going to shit, but deeply love the girl?

I've been dating the girl for 2 years. (Senior year of high school and just finished ...

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Is it legal for a 15 year old to date a 19 year old?

I've been dating a person that is 19 and I'm 15. Is it illegal?

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Do emo guys find "normal" girls attractive?

Hello :) I thought about this question all day long. So I am a girl and I am attracted to emo guys. I really don't know ...

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What does it mean when he changed the subject!!?

my guy friend who is kinda friends with my crush asked my crush "do you know who youd look? cute with(as in ...

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Is it wrong for a 23 year old girl to date a 40 year old man? Is 17 years too much of an age gap?

Research for a story im making- 23 year old girl and 40 year old man ...

6 answers | | Open

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