So I lost my bracelet after I left work... checked the cameras at work and I left with it on my wrist... I either lost it in the parking lot, my car, my boyfriends house, or in my grandpa's yard. I went to my boyfriends house after work and then to my grandpa's for the night. On the drive to my grandpa's house I noticed my bracelet was missing.... so when I arrived I immediately began searching the car. The only thing I found was a tiny broken connecting piece to the bracelet... which was directly below the ignition..... the bracelet itself is no where to be found.... I recently borrowed a metal detector from a friend hoping to find it. I haven't been able to search around my parking place at my boyfriends house with the detector yet. He swears it is not there. He searched the concrete where I park and the grass right next to it....numerous times. He also says they mowed so they would have heard it.. but I was wondering it would sink below the mow line or even into the soil from walking on it.... Also at my grandpa's my mother and I picked up something right by where I park but whatever it was must be under the ground... it's been raining and many cars have parked there. Could it be under the ground here out of visible sight? The grass right here is super short and pretty worn as well... I figure I would have noticed it when I was searching the first time.... Any tips or suggestions?