My mother noticed that my dad hasn't been hanging out with my brothers and the family for about 5 years. Mom wanted to put a stop to this and so she and dad went out into the hallway and mom started talking to dad about how he's missing out on stuff as a family. I only caught this one sentence from mom: "Eric, there's nothing more important than spending time with your family! You should realize that! Remember what your old man used to say that? He would say that all the time to you because you wouldn't spend time with your family. You're doing the same thing like your dad did. Now buck up and go have some fun with your sons. They need you." Dad was surprised about getting chewed up and then spat back out by mom's "shocking" words, and so he talked to each of my brothers and told us that he's sick and tired of spending time with family because work is more important than family.
How to get my dad to understand that spending time with your family is more important than work?