There's this girl I've been seeing. Sometimes, especially lately, I feel like there are times when she ignores me completely. I know she hangs out with a lot of guys, and even though I might be over-reacting, I'm afraid there's someone else.
We haven't been seeing each other for long, not at all, but I'm still worried, because with her, I feel like there's nothing else in the world that matters, and I care about everything she does. I always want to know what she's doing, I'm constantly thinking about her. And when these brief moments occur, I feel scared. I've been with other women, but this is something special. I think, I love her.
Any advice on what I should do to find out, I don't want to go out and ask her if there's anyone else or basically isolating her from her social life, but, I'm afraid.
Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me.